Sunday, May 26, 2013

Slope with Class 65% ASHRAE Area

Removed with tweezers first glass cylinder, then - the piston. Before the procedure should know whether a patient allergies to medicines, designated by injection (with rash, discomfort at the site injection site, difficulty breathing and other manifestations should be primarily notify the attending physician and to his instructions not to apply the tool). When intradermal injection thin needle is introduced into the thickness of the skin at an acute angle to a small depth. Cleaned up the syringe, needle, tweezers (syringe - in disassembled separately piston, separate glass cylinder, where typed solution) is placed in the sterilizer, poured almost to the brim with boiling water and boil for 40 minutes to the boiling point of water (time to boiling does not count). Typing solution syringe porch kept up, and slowly pushing the plunger is pushed out his air and part of the solution so that it does not air bubbles, because even a small bottle of it can cause abscess in the intradermal or subcutaneous injection, and thrombosis (embolism) - with intravenous. Then click on the piston and slowly injected the drug. The procedure is contraindicated in acute inflammatory processes Ultraviolet Argon Laser mochespuskatelnom canal and bladder, as contributes to the spread of infection porch . Technique and injection site depends on its type. With proper technique complications are rare. Before the fence medication in the syringe should be carefully read Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing label name, concentration Indicating a woman with one child dose. Catheter (a hollow rubber, plastic or metal tube) into the urethra porch bladder with a medical or diagnostic purposes. Reusable syringes are washed with soap and running water, it is desirable disassemble the piston part. Place puncture the skin after any kind of treated with injections of iodine solution, or cover for 2-3 minutes cotton wool soaked in alcohol. The cylinder is kept in the hands of the piston using tweezers, carefully slide inside the cylinder. Bladder catheterization. For sterilization syringe should have a special metal porch - sterilizer and tweezers to assemble a syringe.

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